Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Indian Summer

I love Indian Summer Days! And usually the latest you get one is mid November. But today we had one! I thought for sure they were over especially since the last 3 weeks we have had a blanket of snow and below freezing weather! I was 100% sure we were in full blown winter weather. But the last couple of days it started to warm up and the snow melted and today it was warm and sunny! My house was completely trashed, I had dishes up to the ceiling and was behind on everything, but I had to let it all be because today I was taking my babies to the Park! They were thrilled! They got to wear sweaters and ride their bikes and play and it was hard to believe that it was December! It was a good day... my dishes can wait.

My attempt at being artistic with my photography

I did get one good "fall" picture!

1 comment:

Kate said...

WOW, they are getting so big!! I just love Abby's piggy tails!!