Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Card & Letter

Here is our annual Christmas card and letter. I got the card done a couple of weeks before Christmas but they didn't go out until after New Year's. Oh well, better late than never. If you are reading this and haven't got your card, it is either in the mail, or I don't have your Address.

Merry Christmas!

Dear Family and Friends,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Well, I got my Christmas cards done before Christmas, but was unable to get them out in time. But, better late than never right! Well, this year has been another year of many blessings for us. We really feel blessed and we know it is because the Lord has truly been good to us.

In February Abby celebrated her 1 year birthday and it is hard to think that her 2 year is right around the corner. She is so much fun to have around, she is so smart and has quite the little vocabulary. She talks up a storm and is 100% girl! She loves her Mommy & Me Class/Play group. She also loves Disney princesses, high heals, and has such a little spunky attitude! She adores Benjamin and wants to do everything that he does.

In late April early May Isaac and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary! And we had always said we wanted to do another cruise (like our honeymoon) for it. We feel so lucky that we were able to do so. We went on a small one out of California, that stopped in Catalina Island and Ensenada, Mexico. And we also did a day at Disneyland (yes, without our kids). It was sooo fun! 5 years of marriage has flown by! And we are even more in love that we were when we were newlyweds.

In May, Benjamin celebrated his 3 year birthday. It was a Train themed party with lots of friends and cousins! He is such a good boy. He is super patient and kind to his little sister and loves all things boy, trains, trucks, sports, and dancing! He also loves his friends, and pre-school and is doing really well in his little pre-school.

This past year I have also been busy with Benjamin's pre-school. A bunch of moms that I go to church with started a Co-op pre-school and the best part is that it is all in Spanish! We all take turns teaching and assisting. It's kept me really busy, but it is worth it. Over the summer, I took up couponing! I love it! I have a kitchen overflowing with food and supplies and I save anywhere from 50 – 90% on my groceries every month! And it is fun too! I am also keeping busy with my blog and last Spring I worked hard and lost about 30 lbs! It feels great! I am still not where I want to be, but I feel a lot better than I did a year ago.

I think one of the most exciting pieces of news our little family has, is that last August, Isaac graduated from his Master's program. He received a Masters in Business Administration! I am so proud of him. He set a goal that he would do it before he was 30 and he did! Just in time, he turned the big 3-0 in November.

Well, I know that in these annual letters I usually have some exciting Baby news... but not this year. This year we are taking a break! And I am really enjoying it. But don't worry, I'm sure there will be some news in next years letter. ;)

We hope you are all doing well, and are in good health. We love having you in our lives and love hearing from you as well. We are so grateful that the Lord has been so good to us and we know that this beautiful season is to remember him and what a great blessing it was for our Savior to be born into this world to give his life so that we might all live again someday. May the good Lord bless all of you!


Liz, Isaac, Benjamin, and Abigail Granados


Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to write you back several times now, but keep getting distracted! :D
Honestly - I'd love to show you how to redo a dresser...but I've decided that I will do furniture for others, too, if you'd rather that! :D
Also, I never thought about selling on the blog first! That's a good idea! I'm actually looking at doing another secretary almost like that first one - if the lady would ever call me back! :D
Love your family pictures - I love seeing your family grow up. Reminds me of a time in the back of your car, after Richie's farewell. We all sat there describing our future families! I think they've all turned out better than we could've hoped for! ;)
Love ya!

Cylee Pressley said...

Your family is adorable. I love how you guys all match. You will have to give me tips when I do ours.

Thank you for the compliments and you know you are welcome here anytime! Also, thank you for helping me with the bed...sorry about that whole mix up and I am very glad it worked out. Does she like it?

Call ya soon.