Sunday, December 26, 2010


As you know Christmas started out with seeing Santa a few days before Christmas Eve. Here are the pictures my friend took with her awesome Camera!
I don't know why Benjamin didn't smile. Oh well. He did in the one he took with Abby (below)

These pics crack me up!
I recently saw the movie "Dispicable Me" and one of the little girls when talking about Mr. Gru says, "I like him, he's nice." And the other little girl says, "And scary." To which the other little girl respones, "Like Santa!" So true.... so true.

Christmas Eve we headed over to my Brother-in-laws house where EVERYONE spent the night, we ate Tamales (Mexican Tradition), sang karaoke, danced, played games and stayed up way to late. It was fun but, very chaotic. But definitely more on the fun side. It was fun for all the cousins to be together and wake up Christmas morning together. However is was so crazy that I was not able to take very many pictures. I totally forgot to on Christmas eve and on Christmas morning this is all I was able to get. Overall it was a wonderful Christmas filled with family. My only regret was that there were so many people, and craziness, that is was a little un-organized which lead to us not being able to take time to focus on the Savior. I think next year we will have to make it a little more simple and thus be able to spend time to teach our kids more about the Savior's birth and less about presents. But for this time, it worked and it was so fun to be surrounded by family.

This kids tearing into their stockings. Benjamin doesn't look to thrilled because he was wondering where that garbage truck was that he had asked Santa for. ;)

This was hard to get them to pose for a picture when all they wanted to do was tear into the presents. :)

There's the garbage truck! Yea! He LOVED it!

Abby got a life sized Doggie! She loves Dogs!

Jacob opening some of his presents

Diego got a Karaoke machine! (Do you like the fun Santa hat I edited into the picture?)

Benjamin got this awesome grooming set from Dad, his favorite part is the shaving cream and toy shaver! He has wanted one for so long so that he could "shave" just like Daddy.

He also loves playing "grocery store," so he got a cash register toy too!

There were many, many more presents though out the family, but alas, there was just too much going on for me to get all the pictures I wanted. Oh well. It was so much fun and unforgettable.

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