Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Zoo!

Well, on Wednesday, I along with two other moms from pre-school decided to venture out into the cold and go to the Zoo! Why? The last Wed. of each of the winter months it's FREE! So, althought it was pouring rain/snow, we went. By the time we got there it had stopped snowing and wasn't as cold as we had expected. We only got rained on at the very end. Also most of the animals were indoors for the winter, so we really didn't get that cold. And the kids loved it! Again, one of those moms who came with was Yadira and like always she had her camera and took some great pictures. Here are some of the highlights... (above: baby Elephant Zuri)
First stop the Elephants! Benjamin loved them!

Abby (all bundled up) also enjoyed the Zoo!

The Kids especially loved the carousel! (Even though it looks like he is holding on for dear life)

My awesome friend Yadira (yes, the one who takes the pictures) and her kids, and Abby

The Boys

The Tigers were right up again the fence, but they had their back to us. But it was still cool to see them so close

The Boys really like these Tigers too!

There was also a baby Giraffe!

The girls really enjoyed the Gorrilla exhibit because we let them out of their strollers!

O.k. so this picture was taken in front of a glass window (hence the fuzziness) but it was so cool to see the Gorrilla right up close!

Getting rained on at the end, but it was super fun! Can't wait to go back in the warmer weather!

1 comment:

Yadira said...

We had a lot of fun!!! Love your post!... I better go to bed so I can make it for zumba tomorrow :)!!