Monday, February 15, 2010

Abby is 1!!

Happy Birthday!! Today Abby turned 1 year old! I can't believe how fast this past year has flown by! She is such a fun, lively, outgoing baby! She dances, sings, loves chasing her big brother and watching Elmo. She walked early and her motor skills are so ahead of her age. It just amazes Isaac and I. Benjamin just adores her and they love playing together and making each other laugh. I love listening to her jabber away and how excited she gets when her Da da gets home! She is such a joy to have in our home and I just love having a little girl!

We celebrated on Saturday so most of the family could be there. It was a lot of fun. Here are the highlights.

First we had lunch. Yumm! The "theme" was Valentines with a little bit of Elmo. Abby's favorite!

Smile with your Cake Abby!

"I want my cake!"

Benjamin helped her to blow out her candle

"What? I can grab it??"


"o.k. if you say so"


"I like how it squishes between my fingers..."

One more bite

"Oh no my hands are dirty! Help!"

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to....

The kids got to decorate cup cakes afterward

Benjamin couldn't believe we let him decorate his own cupcake!

But eating it was the best part!

Sporting the 1 year birthday hat

Time for presents, "what's in here?"

She got a lot of great clothes for summer and a few toys but this stroller has a little story. When Mom helped her to open it, Benjamin of course was close by and when he saw it he was so excited and let out a big "YES!" He loves strollers and his broke several months back. His reaction was so funny, But when everyone quickly said "no, this is for Abby." He quickly became very embarrassed and ran over to hide in his daddy's lap. The picture is below.

She also got this super cute tutoo that Kate made!

And she's off!

With Mom. I just love this little girl!

Lots of family joined us for the celebration. Here is cousin Aaron

2nd cousins Shay and Caydence

Cousin Marilyn. She was a little shy but we were thrilled that she came.

Uncle Allan and Aunt Lexi came. But baby cousin Lindy stayed with a sitter. Still to little for big crowds.

Grandma Rosa and Grampa Gary came too!

Aunt Arlen, Uncle Fred, and Whitney came too!

Of course, Nena, Tito, & Rosi were there. And other family was there too, but I didn't get pictures of everyone. Thanks to everyone who came. It was so fun celebrating her first Birthday with you all!

A picture with her big brother. She adores him!

Such a pretty girl!

Ready for this party to be over!


Yadira said...

How fun!!!! I'm glad Abby had a great time on her b-day!! I'm a witness that she is ahead for her age in many ways.. and such a cute little girl! Great job mom!!!
ps The pictures are awesome!

Marie said...

You guys sure know how to throw a party!
So, can you believe how fast the time goes by? It seems like we were both prego YESTERDAY!
Such cute pics! I love the tutu, and want one for Janers!
Jane got a stroller for her b-day too, and she looves it! Tay and I are constantly tripping over that thing! Ha!:)
Happy b-day Abby!