Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hollywood Connection

On Christmas my Step-sister told us about this great place in West Valley called Hollywood Connection! And the best day to go is Monday's because it is way cheaper on Mondays. And Isaac had the Monday after New Years off, so we went! It is wonderful if you have younger kids! Benjamin had so much fun! For an all day wrist band you get to go on all the rides (kiddie rides), play miniature golf, and go roller skating! Because it is in West Valley we invited my Dad and Step-mom to join us. They really enjoyed the grand kids and Isaac and I were able to have a little fun too while they watched the kids. Anyway, I highly recommend this place, especially on Mondays! Oh, and the best part is.... It's all indoors! Great for winter! We had so much fun and can't wait to go again.

The Carousel

This is Abby letting out her excited squeal!

The Bus ride (Left Mom and Dad a little nauseous)

Hot air balloon ride (left mom and dad even more nauseous, but the kids loved it!)

Isaac and I loved the bumper cars! (or bumper tires, not sure what these are called, but is was fun and Benjamin cracked up every time Isaac and I crashed each other)

My Step-Mom holding Abby

And this was Benjamin's favorite ride, the Dragon roller coaster! Isaac took the picture through the glass that is why it is a little fuzzy

Benjamin's first time roller skating!

Afterward, Allan, Fred & their wives joined us and my dad treated us all the Dinner at Chile's because we weren't able to get together for Christmas with him. It was a lot of fun!


Kate said...

Oh, that looks like you guys had SO much fun! We'll have to give it a try some time! Love the pics!

Yadira said...

Se ve divertido, hay que planear un lunes y vamos juntos!! gracias por invitarnos hoy a la libreria, we always have fun with you guys!!
ps sigo despierta... 12:44 am. jeje...

Marie said...

Awe, lucky ducky! We could use a little fun around here, but there is never any time lately! Miss you! Come see me tomorrow, M'kay? ;)

Cylee Pressley said...

That looks way fun! I will have to get the info from you.

And I still need to come by early and hang out with you on a Wednesday. I have a girl coming with me to the class so it makes it difficult. What has happened to the Thursday trip to go around visiting???