Monday, November 9, 2009

8 Month Milestones

Abby is 8 months and will be 9 months on the 15th! I usually only do baby posts for 3, 6, 12 months. But I had to post for this one because she hit so many milestones! This, the 8th month, she started crawling. She also started standing on her own and cruising! She also got her first two teeth. And... she said her first word! She actually has been saying it for about 3 weeks now and she now says 3 words. So guess what her first word was??? ELMO! Blast that Elmo! But she now says Mama & Dada, so that is good. But Elmo is deffinately her favorite word and she says it all the time! At the end is some super cute video of her saying it. We had Elmo on the T.V. and that is why she is saying it.

Here's a picture where you can kind of see her new 2 front teeth
Also, a quick update on Benjamin is that he does soooo well with her. He doesn't get jeleous at all ( and I know this is not normal) and he worries about her and always is checking on her to make sure she is o.k. and they even play together now. And when that happens I feel soooo glad that I had them so close together! That is the reason I had them so close together, so they could play together and give me a few moments of time to do my own things. It is wonderful! So... below are some pictures of the kids that my friend took when we had the kids at the park on a beautiful Indian Summer day. We always have fun together because her kids are the same age as my kids.
Abby with her "eskimo" sweater. She loves the swings
Benjamin loves the swings
His Best Buddie Aaron
On the Slide
Boys will be Boys


Kate said...

That is SO stink'n CUTE!! Gotta love that Elmo if he gets your kids talkin'! Great pics!

Marie said...

For some reason I can't get this video to work! I'll try again later. Your kids are so cute, and even cuter to me now that I've gotten to know there sweet personalities a little more. I love the top picture of Abby! Did you take these all with your little camera???