Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Zoo and Picnics

During our Staycation we went to several Picnics and we also took a trip to the Zoo! Unfortunately the day we went to the Zoo, Benjamin was on one and did not have fun until the very end when we put Abby in his umbrella stroller and let him push her around. He loves animals... I guess it was just one of those days. well, at least I had fun. I've never been to the Zoo here in Utah, so I thought it was great! So I didn't get the best pictures, but here are a few...
I was fascinated by the Giraffes!

This picture doesn't show it very well, but this tiger looked like he was going to kill someone.

Benjamin's favorite part was the Zoo park and the snake slide

Nuestro pollito en su huevo
He loves eggs so he thought it was pretty cool to sit inside one!

This was our ward Picnic. The food was great and so was the mingling.

Isaac participated in the shave a ballon game. He did great!

Nena's uncle invited us to a Rubalcava family Picnic. Lots of cousins!

Lots of cousins!

Benjamin, & Abby being held by cousin Ruben

1 comment:

Cylee Pressley said...

I want to go to that zoo. It looks fun. We might be coming your way soon! I'll call and give you an update.