Sunday, July 26, 2009


Well, Benjamin Laughed at 3 months, so we have been wondering when Abby (now 5 months) was going to start laughing. A couple of weeks ago she laughed a tiny bit with Fred's fiancee Arlen, but since then, nothing. We have tried everything and she would not laugh! So tonight, Benjamin wanted me to do my chicken impression. He loves it! So then Isaac decided to try it and then it happened!.... Abby cracked up! We were shocked and I ran for the camera! It's soooo dang cute! Anyway, her laugh, also made Benjamin laugh so he drowns out her laugh a little but it's still great video. Enjoy!


Alexis said...

That is SO cute! I cannot wait to come home and see this in person! Thanks for the video. We'll be back soon!

Sarah Ragatz said...

How cute!! That's such an adorable laugh, especially for a first laugh. My favorite part was the blank stare at the end when Mommy tried to do the chicken sound, obviously not nearly as funny as Daddy.

Yadira said...

How cute! what a beautiful family you have, Such a good team!

Marie said...

Ah, the famous chicken impression! As a great admirer, being one, if not the first, to enjoy it, I am very glad to hear that it lives on!
I guess Isaac has mastered it himself, and has you beat, at least in Abby's eyes. I find that hard to imagine, having seen your genius. He'll have to show us one of these days! :)
She's totally adorable, by the way. I love the happy feet!