Monday, April 13, 2009

Abigail's Baby Blessing

On Easter Sunday Isaac had the privilege of giving Abigail a baby blessing. For those of you who don't know a Baby Blessing is something we do in our church to "present" the new baby and give it a name and a Blessing so that our Heavenly Father will bless them throughout their lives. We dress them in white as a symbol that they are pure, innocent, and "clean." Allthough it is not a requirement to dress them in white, more of a tradition.

Isaac gave her a beautiful blessing. He blessed her with health, strength to overcome her trials, and achive her goals. He blessed her with a desire to marry in God's Holy Temple and many other beautiful things. I am so thankful that I married such a wonderful man who is worthy of the priesthood he holds so that he can bless our children and I not just at their birth but throughout our lives.

After the blessing we had family and friends, who had traveled to be with us on this special day, over for a light lunch. It was fun to see everyone. Here are some pictures.

Mother and Daughter

Proud Daddy

All tuckered out!

Allan, Mom, me, Pete & Fred (I have no idea why we chose to take this picture outside we are all squinting!)

Allan & Lexi

Brian, Julio & Kate

The Bennions (Margret is my step-sister, for those who don't know)

Whitney (Peter's fiancee) and Shay (Benjamin's second cousin and Best friend!)

A happy little family


Marie said...

Abigail looks gorgeous! Where did you find that dress??? Did you pay like, a million dollars for it, or did some amazing domestic goddess sew it for you?
I'm so mad that I didn't take more pictures the day Jane was blessed. It was just a crazy day, and our camera's memory was full. I think my Dad took a few, but that's it. No family pics, or anything.
Anyway, she's so sweet! What a cute little family you have!

Liz said...

Marie... I love that you comment on my Blog. I can always count on you. :) I got the dress at a store in A.F called Little things Mean A Lot. I got it off the discounted rack... $29! Not bad huh? Just wait till I post the pics Kate took, she got a lot more detail (closer up shots).