Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Women's Conference 2013

 I just love, love, LOVED Women's Conference at BYU.  I love my Spanish ward and I love my Nursery calling, but once a year, at Women's Conference, I need to be Spritually fed.  And what a feast it is!  Two days of really being taught by wonderful women and the Spirit.  I love learning and being motivated to things in my life that will bring me and my family closer to the Lord.  Probably the biggest thing I took away from all of this is Scripture Study.  I have always know how important it is, but I don't think I realized how vital it is to the Spritual Survival of my Family.  I decided to take on the 21 day challenge for my personal scripture study and the following Sunday when visiting my mom's ward, my kids brought home a Scripture study challenge, paper chart.  I think the Lord is telling us something.  So we are doing that challenge as a family and my kids are super excited!  3 days in and so far so good.  I know with the Lords help and making it a priority we can do this! 

The other great thing about Women's Conference (besides the Mint Brownies!) is spending time with the Wonderful Women in my Life!  Here are some of them!
Some of my good Pre-school Mommy friends, Livier Chavez, Yadira Budd, and Me!  This year, my dear friend Yadira was a presenter in one of the Spanish sessions.  I went to hear her and she did awesome!  Loved her class!
This year my wonderful, amazing Mother-in-law came!  I am so glad!
Day two, my Step-sister Margaret joined me!  I just love this girl and am so glad we are sisters!

Group shot! (minus one friend who had sped off to her first class already)
Here she is!  Are you surprised, it was Cylee who sped off to that first class?! ;)  All kidding aside, I am glad I cornered her for a quick pic.  It was so fun meeting up with Cylee at Women's Conference!  We definitely do not see each other enough, so it was fun to hang out.  What I love about Cylee, is it doesn't matter how long it has been since we've seen each other, we always just pick up where we left off, like we saw each other just yesterday!  Love this girl!
This was a fun surprise, bumped into an old AZ friend, Crystal, while waiting in line, we got to sit together for a class as well!  It was fun seeing her!

Until Next Year!

1 comment:

Pressley Family said...

I totally should have chilled out and taken those cute shots with you! I love the props.

Fun, fun. When are we hanging out again?