Sunday, August 21, 2011

Minie Mouse Skirt

Well, I did it! I went to the fabric store and got what I needed along with a super simple pattern. But as simple as the pattern was, I still needed my mom to explain it to me. But once I understood, then yes it was pretty easy. But it still took me all day! But I am pretty proud of myself! I plan to make a couple more for my nieces. Abby just loved it and didn't want to take it off. I can't wait to see how cute she will look in it at Disneyland!

It looks big at this angle but actually fits her well.


Sarah Ragatz said...

Cute skirt! In answer to your questions: Emmalynne and Clara are 18 months apart. Clara and the next baby will be 25 months apart. And, I'm 17 weeks. I'm due Jan. 28th. We just might pass you up some day... We planned on having a 3 yr gap between Clara and #3 for various reasons but one by one our reasons vanished and we decided it was time!

Marie said...

Wow! I am SEW impressed! Ha! I need to go to bed...
Really though, it's adorable. Way to be all domestic!

Cylee Pressley said...

You have totally inspired me....I want to learn to sew too! And that skirt it so adorable. Good job!