Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lehi Round-up Parade!

This was the kids very first parade! (I know, it's terrible that I never took them before, but what can I say, I am not a morning person) They loved it! As did I! It was great! Not crowded at all (and we showed up right as it started), got great seats!, and there was tons of candy and other things thrown out! I was very impressed! And the floats were great!
They were mesmerized!

Benjamin got a hat! Cousin Lindy also has a cute hat! So does Uncle Allan.

Cosmo was in the parade too! He gave Benjamin a five and Lexi got him to pose for a quick picture! Go Cougars!

Then we headed over to Wines Park for the Little carnival they had it was great! Most of the rides were only 25 cents! They also had a little petting zoo!

Benjamin LOVED the train ride!

He also loved the swing ride!... Abby, not so much.

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