Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ward Christmas Party

Well, unfortunately I only got this one picture. But aren't they cute with Santa?! So yes, our ward Christmas party was on Friday. We had a dinner, a program, Santa, and a Dance! A Dance? That's right! I love Spanish wards. If there's a party, there's a dance! It was fun, the kids had a blast! Here is some video of them dancing. Enjoy!


Sarah Ragatz said...

In answer to your questions: yes, my hospital had free wi-fi and I had a laptop. Plus, I had a cranky baby that didn't want me to sleep so I figured I'd may as well blog! As far as professional family picture...we photoshopped Clara in. Hehehe, just joking. We're the retarded parents that take their 4 day old to JCP to have pictures taken.

Sarah Ragatz said...

Oh, and Benjamin is about the cutest dancer I've ever seen!

Yadira said...

Liz you are so good updating your blog! I LOVE the videos! Your kids are adorable!

Cylee Pressley said...

That looks like a fun party! How was Christmas? I bet the kids had a great time.

I can't believe we have not gotten together yet....I am going to have to blame you! J/k I am going to call so we can catch up.