Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fred & Arlen's Wedding

On Saturday, August 29th we had the opportunity to participate in Fred & Arlen's wedding. Participate?!!..... O.k. let's be honest, I planned to whole thing. But I had a lot of fun doing it. I volunteered to be there wedding planner, because Arlen just had no idea what to do or where to go, not to mention the language barrier. So I was very busy this summer planning the wedding, but I must also give credit to my wonderful mother who also did a ton to help her and me. She said that it felt like she was marrying off another daughter all over again. We were both exausted afterward. But it was a beautiful wedding and we had a lot of fun that day. I waited to do the post because I was waiting to get pictures back from Kate. She was the photographer and since I was running around all day, I did not have time to take pics myself. So, because there were so many I chose a few of my favorites and created a slideshow. Enjoy the pics.


Margaret and Laurel said...

It was a beautiful wedding! How can we get a picture?

Jenn said...

What beautiful pictures! Where was the wedding at? Love the background!

Marie said...

Lizard! It's so gorgeous! I would hire you! I had no idea you were taking on such a huge endeavor! You should go into business!

Liz said...

Marie, I've thought about it. I just might. Jen, it was at the Cedar Hills Golf course. It's real close to Alpine (in case you don't know where Cedar Hills is). It was a beautiful location. We were all very happy with the turn out. :)