Monday, August 24, 2009

Globo bye, bye

Today, something really funny happened. Benjamin had 2 balloons (Globo). Well, when we were leaving the house, we didn't realize that Benjamin had taken one of his balloons out side with him. As we were loading up the car, he was in the front yard happily holding on to his Globo. Then as most 2 year old's do, he let go of it. Then we heard this traumatized cry and we ran over to see what was wrong. We found him looking upward with his little hands outstretched, crying as he watched his balloon float up into the sky. Isaac then scooped him up and said "Globo, bye, bye, ya se va bye bye" (Balloon bye, bye, it's going bye, bye). Then Benjamin started to wave bye, bye, and sobbing through his tears, bid farewell to his balloon. It was so sad, but sooo dang cute. For a 2 year old, this was so traumatic for him. So then we put him in the car and as we drove to the store he continued to look into the sky and cry all the while waving and saying "Globo, bye, bye" Isaac and I felt bad, but couldn't help but chuckle at how cute it was. Luckily he had another balloon in the house, but maybe next time he will realize why Mommy always ties it to his wrist or clothes, even though he hates it. ;)


Yamile said...

The gone globo drama ... it is really cute, especially when you can give them another balloon after the first one flew away. Not so much fun if they let the 4th balloon fly away on purpose, and then have a major tantrum when there's not a replacement.

Kate said...

Awww... that was a cute story! That little Benjamin is one funny character! :)

Jenn said...

That's so sad and sweet at the same time! My kids always try to get the ties off their wrists, too. Ah the drama!

Erica said...

balloons are really fickle things..they just don't seem to get it..once you let go, it is gone..or worse, when they let it go in the house, and they want you to go up and get it every 2

cute story..