Thursday, January 19, 2012

Itty Bitty Basketball

Benjamin did this last year and so, when we told him, he would be doing it again this year, he was so excited! He absolutely could not wait he was counting the days since Thanksgiving! I didn't get as many pictures this year because most days I was upstairs walking the track with the girls. Abby's best friend Samantha (who is 3 allready) was able to participate, but because Abby is not quite 3 yet, she could not and so I stayed upstairs most days to distract her. But Benjamin had a blast!
Practing shooting

Playing against other kids

This day (because I was there taking pictures) Abby wanted to play so badly, that Benji's coach was nice enough to let her play.

Benji making a "long shot"

Below is video of Benjamin. Allthough he did not make his shot, I wanted to show how he fakes and spins and really tries to play like he sees his Daddy play. It's funny. And then there is video of him shooting and he can make shots, really.

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