Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Official!

Isaac Graduated! He is now a Master of Business Administration! Yep, he has his MBA! I don't know how he did it, but he did! He said he would do it before he was 30 and he did! He officially graduated on August 31 a few weeks ago. There was no ceremony unfortunately, the University of Phoenix only does ceremonies once a year and he just missed it by a month or two, and the thought of waiting a whole year just for a "ceremony" is not appealing, so no ceremony, but here is the degree! He did it! He's been in the Bishopric the whole time, worked full time, did lots and lots of homework and studying and still found time to help me around the house, he's pretty darn close to the perfect man! I just love him! Congratulations mi Amor! You are my hero!

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