Sunday, June 2, 2013

Benjamin is 6!!

I can't believe my little guy is 6! Has it really been 6 years??!!  I just love our Boy!  He is smart, fun, kind, loving and so patient!  Hi is a mini Isaac.  He loves sports, especially Basketball.  He is so good at math and likes to read.  He is determined and works at things until he gets it right.  He is a thinker and figures things out and he loves his little sisters and is always looking out for them and helping them and even when Abby hits him, he never hits her back.  He's just a good boy.  What more could I ask for?  I am so lucky that he is in our family and I am his mom!  I love you Benji!

So even though you are used to seeing the posts with the big extravagant parties.  This year we are starting a new tradition.  The every other year friend party.  One year family only, the next year a friend party.  It is just getting to be to much for me.  So Benjamin had a family only party.  He did get to invite Aaron, but the Budd Family is family to us anyway.  I loved the Family only party!  It was so relaxed!  I could get used to this.  I think I was starting to get Birthday Party burn-out.  So he wanted a Cars 2 theme.  I got a banner, a table cloth, a pinata, & made him a cool cake.  That was it!... Awesome!  We fed the family lunch, broke the Pinata with his cousins, had cake & icecream, and at the end he wanted to have a water balloon/water gun fight.  So we did that at the end and he was a happy camper!  Then we all went swimming at our pool.  He got a few gifts (not a ton of toys that I don't even know what to do with) including a new bike from mom and dad.  Super fun day!

I thought the cake turned out good!  It was a simple one for me.  Two different size round cakes, black frosting for the road, checkered flags printed off my computer and stuck on tooth picks, and then I just stuck on his toy cars.

Another Angle

Bought a Cars Pinata from the Mexican Store

With all the kids/cousins
Breaking the Pinata

Blowing out is #6 candle!

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