Friday, December 11, 2009


Yep, Benjamin is in Pre-school! I wasn't planning on putting him in Pre-school until next year, but a bunch of my Mommie friends from my Spanish ward got together and started a Co-op Pre-school. And a few of them started bringing their 2 1/2 year olds and so I joined in. It is 2 hours twice a week. Because it is co-op each mom teaches once a month and brings all the supplies for that day. They start with a song and prayer, then have class which consists of story time, the letter of the day, snack, play time, lesson, & craft. Honestly, it's a glorified Play Group. A good 45 minute chunck is just free play. And the best part is that it is all in Spanish! Benjamin just loves it and asks almost every day if it is time to go to the "Escuelita." I also, really enjoy teaching! I think I might have found a new future proffesion. We'll see. One thing I really loved was that the pre-school met above a bookstore which was across the parking lot from my Gym, so on Mondays I either taught or assisted and on Wednesday's I went running. Which was nice because I needed to do something either Tues. or Wed. so that I didn't go 2 days in a row without working out. But unfortunately the fire marshal is being totally un-cooperative and told us we could not meet there. So now we are meeting at one of the mom's home until we figure out another place to meet. But it is still so fun for Benjamin and I'm excited for him to continue and I love it because when all the mom's take turns.... it's free! Yay! Anyway here are some pictures...

Benjamin started the week before Halloween, so he got to participate in the Halloween party. Here is his paper pumpkin craft.

After the party the kids went on a fieldtrip to a Dentist office. Here is his buddy Aaron brushing the dragon's teeth.

Benjamin trying out the chair

All the kids in the lobby for a pic.

Here is a turtle he made on the day he learned about Turtles!

Opening song

Abby likes Pre-school too!

Here he is with his buddy Dillon showing there turkey's

He was pretty proud of his turkey

Here they are acting out the Nativity. "Mary & Joseph & Baby Jesus"

Wise Men, Sheperds, Mary, Joseph, & Angel

I love this, when we started snapping photos, Benjamin totally stood out in front to make sure he was in the picture.

1 comment:

Cylee Pressley said...

That is so cute. Once we get settled I want to get involved in one of those again. You really can't beat free! Your kids look really cute.

Hey we moved and we are getting settled. We moved to Erda. Do you still want to come see us now that we are further away?