Sunday, November 15, 2009

9 Months and WALKING!

I know I just did the post about all her milestones in her 8th month.... but today Abby turned 9 months AND... took her first steps. So she is officially "walky-talky." It was at Isaac's parents house. I was walking her around and she was holding on to just one of my fingers, when all of a sudden she let go and walked strait to her daddy! Then we flipped her around and she walked to me. And of course I did not have my camera. But luckily when we got home she still wanted to do it. So here's the video. Enjoy!


Sarah Ragatz said...

Wow! At first I was thinking she'd take 2 or 3 steps but she just kept going!!

Shannon said...

Wow! That is amazing!!

Marie said...

Holy Cow! I can't believe it! She was hardly crawling when you came to visit, so I thought it was going to be a while. My kids both crawled for months before walking, but look at Abby! She didn't wast any time! How cute! Say goodbye to like as you know it! She's gonna cruise now!

Gina & Brent said...

No way! That girl is a go-getter!