Friday, June 26, 2009


Well, today is the day we were suposed to get on a Plane and take a 10 day Vacation to Mexico. We were going to see Mexico City and then spend time with my Grandparents in Jalapa, Veracruz. The picture is of the beautiful Lakes right behind their house. But, because of the Swine Flu we decided not to chance it, especially with our kids. Then, we decided we were going to go to New York instead... until everything in our house started breaking down. So we decided instead of going on vacation and then going into debt to fix everything, we are going to use the vacation money to fix everthing and starting next week Isaac is going to take 2 weeks off work and we will be having a "Staycation." We hope to make it fun and relaxing. But for now, I am thinking of beautiful Mexico and my Grandparents. (Sigh)....


Marie said...

Awe, Sorry! I'm proud of you, though! Way to be frugal! Sometimes staying at home is the best of all because there isn't any stress to squeeze it all in. Two whole weeks?!! That's all Tay gets off in a whole year! How much time off does Isaac get? Awesomeness!

Liz said...

Isaac gets like about 3 weeks, but with weekends it equates to about 4 weeks. It's way awesome!

Jenn said...

How sad! But that is a great decision; a hard one, but the right one! How fun for you guys to have 2 whole weeks together!